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Punjab-Haryana High Court
Harwinder Singh vs State Of Punjab on 4 March, 2021CRM-M-29233-2020(O&M);
CRM-M-3105-2021(O&M); and
CRM-M-7881-2021(O&M) -:1:-


1. CRM-M-29233-2020(O&M)

Harwinder Singh

…… Petitioner


State of Punjab
…… Respondent

2. CRM-M-24397-2020(O&M)

Kuldeep Kaur

…… Petitioner


State of Punjab
…… Respondent

3. CRM-M-39764-2020(O&M)

Savita Khanna
…… Petitioner


State of Punjab
…… Respondent

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CRM-M-3105-2021(O&M); and
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4. CRM-M-40657-2020(O&M)

Gurdial Singh
…… Petitioner


State of Punjab
…… Respondent

5. CRM-M-3105-2021(O&M)

…… Petitioner


State of Punjab
…… Respondent

6. CRM-M-7881-2021(O&M)

Sant Bhupinder Singh
…… Petitioner


State of Punjab and others
…… Respondents

Date of decision :-4.3.2021



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CRM-M-3105-2021(O&M); and
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Present: Mr.G.S. Brar, Advocate
for the petitioner(s) in CRM-M-29233-2020,
CRM-M-40657-2020 and CRM-M-7881-2021.

Mr.Navjot Singh, Advocate
for the petitioner in CRM-M-24397-2020.

Mr.Ranjan Lakhanpal, Advocate
for the petitioner in CRM-M-39764-2020.

Mr.Sunny K. Singla, Advocate
for the petitioner in CRM-M-3105-2021.

Mr.S.S. Brar, Advocate
for the complainant.

Mr.J.S. Ghuman, DAG, Punjab.


Vide this order, I shall dispose of total six petitions, five of

which for grant of pre-arrest bail i.e. CRM-M-29233-2020 filed by

petitioner Harwinder Singh, CRM-M-24397-2020 filed by petitioner

Kuldeep Kaur, CRM-M-39764-2020 filed by petitioner Savita Khanna,

CRM-M-40657-2020 filed by petitioner Gurdial Singh and CRM-M-3105-

2021 filed by petitioner Purnima, all of them being accused in FIR No.114

dated 29.7.2020, under Sections 420, 408, 120-B IPC, registered with Police

Station Payal, District Khanna and a petition i.e. CRM-M-7881-2021

under Section 482 Cr.P.C. filed by petitioner – Sant Bhupinder Singh for re-

investigation of the above-said FIR.

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CRM-M-3105-2021(O&M); and
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Briefly stated, the facts of the case as per the prosecution story

are that complainant Rajender Singh Dhillon, Managing Director, SMS

Memorial School, Jarg, resident of 178, Model Town, Jalandhar had

submitted a written complaint dated 13.8.2019 against Gurdial Singh,

Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna, Kuldeep Kaur

addressed to Director General of Police, which was marked to SSP, Khanna;

thereafter it was marked to SP(Headquarters), Khanna, who had conducted

the investigation and submitted report to SSP, Khanna, who sought legal

opinion and thereafter formal FIR in the matter was recorded. The

investigation in the case started.

Apprehending their arrest in this case, petitioners/accused

Gurdial Singh, Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna, Kuldeep

Kaur had approached the Court of Sessions seeking grant of pre-arrest bail

but their such applications were dismissed by the Court of learned

Additional Sessions Judge, Ludhiana. As such, they have approached this

Court asking for similar relief by way of filing separate petitions.

Notice of the petitions was given to the respondent – State, who

put in appearance through counsel. The complainant has also appeared

through counsel.

I have heard learned counsel for the parties besides going

through the record.

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First coming to petitions for pre-arrest bail CRM-M-29233-

2020 filed by petitioner Harwinder Singh, CRM-M-24397-2020 filed by

petitioner Kuldeep Kaur, CRM-M-39764-2020 filed by petitioner Savita

Khanna, CRM-M-40657-2020 filed by petitioner Gurdial Singh and CRM-

M-3105-2021 filed by petitioner Purnima.

Vide detailed order of this Court dated 28.10.2020 observing

that dispute involved in the case is with regard to management of a school

i.e. SMS Memorial Public School, Jarg, District Ludhiana, regarding which

litigation is pending, Inspector General of Police, Ludhiana Range was

directed to constitute a Special Investigation Team (hereinafter referred to

as SIT) within a period of 15 days from the date of order and thereafter SIT

was required to probe the matter and submit report within a period of two

months thereafter.

In compliance of that order, a SIT was constituted to conduct

the investigation, which comprised Ms.Alka Meena, IPS, Senior

Superintendent of Police as Chairperson, Sh.Wazir Singh, PPS,

Superintendent of Police(Detective), SBS Nagar and Sh.Rajesh Kumar,

PPS, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Hq), Ludhiana Rural as Members.

The team recorded statements of various persons and perused the record and

submitted detailed report running into more than 80 pages. The SIT had

recorded statement of complainant – Rajender Singh Dhillon, Principal –

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Gurinderpal Singh, Harvinder Singh (petitioner in CRM-M-29233-2020),

Savita Khanna (petitioner in CRM-M-39764-2020), Kuldeep Kaur

(petitioner in CRM-M-24397-2020), Gurdial Singh (petitioner in CRM-

M-40657-2020), Manager/Sewadar – Sant Bhupinder Singh (petitioner in

CRM-M-7881-2021) and various other persons. The conclusion drawn by

the SIT, which is important to be noticed is reproduced as under:

From the entire inquiry it is revealed that SMS Memorial Pubic

School Jarg is run by Guru Nanak Dev Health & Education Society

Jarg in which Sant Bhupinder Singh was appointed as Chairman in

2017 and Rajinder Singh Dhillon was M.D. Principal of the school

was Gurinderpal Singh. According to Guru Nanak Dev Health &

Education memorandum the authority to appoint Principal in the

school vested with M.D. Gurdial Singh who was close relative of Sant

Bhupinder Singh used to come to gurudwara Jarg. Sant Bhupinder

Singh submitted his resignation from the post of Chairman of society

on 04-03-2017 which was accepted by the society after the due

proceeding. Thereafter Sant Bhupinder Singh and Gurdial Singh had

differences with Principal Gurinderpal Singh and management. On

that Gurdial Singh alongwith followers of Gurudwara Sahib sacked

Principal Gurinderpal Singh from the post of Principal on 16-05-

2017 and obtained his signature on resignation. Thereafter Sant

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Bhupinder Singh handed over the control of the school to Gurdial

Singh. Thereafter Gurdial Singh by bypassing the rule of society

appointed Poornima Sharma in the school. Sant Bhupinder Singh

who is Chairman of Baba Daya Singh trust had the knowledge that

authority to appoint the Principal in the school is vested with M.D.

but he and Gurdial Singh while not considering the rule of the society

and required education qualification for the post of Principal

appointed Savita Khanna as the Principal of the school and she was

given appointment letter from Bhai Daya Singh Trust. The school

fees of the students were collected by clerk Harwinder Singh and due

to the reason that Savita Khanna was not qualified B.ed. therefore

Kuldeep Kaur was appointed as working Principal who kept on

marking her presence in the capacity of Punjabi teacher. All these

had knowledge of the rules of the society that amount collected in the

school is to be deposited to in the bank account of school. But they all

by violating the rules of the society the fees from 16-05-2017 to 22-

02-2018 was collected in cash and expenses of the school were also

incurred in cash. They also did not maintain the record properly. All

of them have given different statements in different inquiries in order

to save their skins. Therefore Gurdial Singh, Sant Bhupinder Singh,

Poornima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna and Kuldeep

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Kaur who were well aware of the rules of the society and also

knowing that school is run by registered society according to

established rules have completely ignored it and all of them are held

responsible for non maintenance of record of fees together with

irresponsible behaviour and embezzlement of amount. Case has been

found to be registered on real facts. Therefore it is recommended that

challan against above named and anyone else who may be held

responsible during further investigation be presented before the Ld.


The SIT comprising senior police officers have submitted a

detailed and well reasoned report associating petitioners/accused Gurdial

Singh, Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna, Kuldeep Kaur

and Sant Bhupinder Singh regarding their statement containing their

versions. It had considered the depositions of other concerned persons also

besides the relevant record and then concluded that Gurdial Singh, Sant

Bhupinder Singh, Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna and

Kuldeep Kaur while being aware of rules of society and having knowledge

that school is being run by registered society according to established rules,

ignoring those rules did not maintain record of fees collected from students

of the school and showed irresponsible behaviour. They have been held to

be guilty of embezzlement of the amounts so collected by them. The

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complaint submitted to the police by the complainant was found to have


Under the circumstances, petitioners/accused Gurdial Singh,

Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna, Kuldeep Kaur are

facing serious allegations of having committed various offences including

embezzlement of the money belonging to the school.

Pre arrest bail is a discretionary relief and is to be granted in

exceptional cases and not in routine. It is meant to save the innocent persons

from harassment and inconvenience and not to screen the culprits from

arrest and custodial interrogation.

The custodial interrogation of the petitioners/accused Gurdial

Singh, Purnima Sharma, Harwinder Singh, Savita Khanna, Kuldeep Kaur is

definitely required to effect the recovery of the embezzled amount and to

find out as to how the scam was planned and executed and role played by

the petitioners/accused and others therein. In case custodial interrogation of

the petitioners is denied to the investigating agency that would leave many

loose ends and gaps in the investigation affecting the investigation being

carried out adversely, which is not called for.

In case of State represented by the C.B.I. Versus Anil

Sharma, 1997(4) R.C.R.(Criminal) 268, Hon’ble Apex Court had observed

that custodial interrogation is qualitatively more elicitation orientated than

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questioning a suspect who is on anticipatory bail, in a case like this

interrogation of suspected person is of tremendous advantage in getting

useful informations.

Therefore, no case for grant of pre-arrest bail to

petitioners/accused Harwinder Singh, Kuldeep Kaur, Savita Khanna,

Gurdial Singh and Purnima is made out.

Thus, CRM-M-29233-2020 filed by petitioner Harwinder

Singh, CRM-M-24397-2020 filed by petitioner Kuldeep Kaur, CRM-M-

39764-2020 filed by petitioner Savita Khanna, CRM-M-40657-2020 filed

by petitioner Gurdial Singh and CRM-M-3105-2021 filed by petitioner

Purnima stand dismissed.

With regard to CRM-1816-2021 in CRM-M-29233-2020 and

CRM-1859-2021 in CRM-M-40657-2020 filed on behalf of the

complainant for vacation of interim orders dated 28.10.2020 and 8.12.2020,

respectively due to the reason that the petitioners in that petitions are

violating the conditions of interim bail and misusing the same to pressurize

the investigating team as well as the complainant, since the petitions for pre

arrest bail filed by such petitioners have been dismissed, such applications

have become infructuous and are dismissed as such.

Now coming to CRM-M-7881-2021 filed by petitioner Sant

Bhupinder Singh. The investigation in this case has been carried out by SIT

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comprising senior police officers and the report submitted by them is not

found to be suffering from any illegality or infirmity, rather the same is

quite detailed and well reasoned. There is no ground for directing re-

investigation in the FIR as prayed for by petitioner Sant Bhupinder Singh.

As regards the apprehension expressed by petitioner with

regard to physical harm being caused to him by private respondents No.7 to

10, he may approach Senior Superintendent of Police, Ludhiana in that

regard and SSP, Ludhiana if finds that the apprehension has got any element

of merit then after assessing the threat perception, he may take suitable

action in the matter in accordance with law.

With the abovesaid observations, CRM-M-7881-2021 filed

by petitioner Sant Bhupinder Singh stands disposed of accordingly.

4.3.2021 JUDGE
1. Whether reportable? No

2. Whether speaking / reasoned? Yes

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