Punjab-Haryana High Court
Lalita Arya vs Life Insurance Corporation Of … on 8 April, 2021 IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA
CWP No.11621 of 2020 (O&M)
Lalita Arya
…. Petitioner

Life Insurance Corporation of India & another
…. Respondents



Present : Mr. Aalok Jagga, Advocate for the petitioner.

Mr. Saurav Verma, Advocate for the respondents-LIC.



1. This is the petition filed by the petitioner under Articles

226/227 of the Constitution of India seeking quashing of the transfer

order dated 19.06.2020 (Annexure P-3) whereby the petitioner has been

transferred to Divisional Office, Ludhiana from Divisional Office,

Chandigarh on promotion as Divisional Manager; and also quashing of

the decision of the authorities dated 14.07.2020 (Annexure P-9) whereby

the representation and notice dated 02.07.2020 (Annexure P-8) moved by

the petitioner, was rejected by the respondents.

2. The brief fact giving rise to the present petition are that the

petitioner was an employee with the respondent-Life Insurance

Corporation of India. On 01.09.1996, the petitioner was promoted as

Assistant Administrative Officer. Thereafter the petitioner was further

promoted as Administrative Officer in the year 2003. As per the further

line of promotion, the petitioner was later on promoted as Assistant

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Divisional Manager and was transferred to Divisional Office, Bareilly,

Uttar Pradesh, where she remained posted up to June 2013. In July, 2013

the petitioner was transferred to Divisional Office, Chandigarh, where

she had been working continuously. As per the work, conduct and

seniority of the petitioner the petitioner was further promoted to the post

of Divisional Manager vide office order dated 19.06.2020. Consequent

of this promotion, the petitioner was ordered to be posted to Divisional

Office, Ludhiana vide another order dated 19.06.2020, whereby several

hundred employees were ordered to be transferred by the respondents.

Vide this posting order; many officers/employees were transferred by the

respondent-Corporation. The name of the petitioner figured at serial

No.227, posting her as Manager (MASH), Divisional Office, Ludhiana.

The petitioner attained the age of 58 years on 04.10.2019. Therefore,

relying upon the Transfer and Mobility policy of the respondent-

Corporation, which provides for non-transfer of an employee after

attaining the age of 58 years, the petitioner made a representation dated

20.06.2020. However, the said representation has also been rejected by

the respondent-Corporation. Since the petitioner was required to join her

new place of posting, failing which the promotion would have been

withdrawn by the respondents, therefore, the petitioner joined the new

place of posting on 06.07.2020. It is thereafter that the present petition

has been filed by the petitioner in August, 2020.

3. While arguing, the learned counsel for the petitioner has

relied upon Clause 6 of Transfer and Mobility (of Class-I Officers)

Instructions, 2016; to contend that since the petitioner has attained the

age of 58 years, therefore, the petitioner could not have been transferred

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from her present place of posting. It is further submitted by the counsel

that there are some other officers who have been retained at the same

station even after their promotion to the next post. The petitioner has

even cited two examples of the officers who have been promoted like the

petitioner and have been retained at their present place of postings.

Hence, it is submitted by the counsel that the petitioner has been

discriminated against and that she should have been retained at

Divisional Office, Chandigarh even after her promotion as Divisional

Manager. Carrying forward the argument, the counsel for the petitioner

has submitted that although the transfer policy of the corporation

provides for transfer of its officers, however, Clause 6 of the said policy

creates a special provision. The language of this provision also is

mandatory in nature because it uses the words ‘shall’ not be transferred

on promotion. The counsel has relied upon the judgment of Supreme

Court in Moti Lal Ghelabhai Versus Jagan Nagar, 1985 AIR SC 709; J.

K. Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills Co. Ltd. Versus State of U.P.

and others, 1981 AIR SC 1170 and Dilawar Singh Versus Parvinder

Singh @ Iqbal Singh & another, 2005(12) SCC 709 and also on some

other judgments to contend that when a law contains a general provision

and special provision governing the same aspect, then the special

provision shall have to be taken as excluding and overriding the general

provision. In view of this, since Clause 6 contains a special provision,

this shall supersede the earlier general provisions of the Transfer and

Mobility Policy. Therefore, the respondents did not have any power or

authority to transfer the petitioner from Chandigarh to Ludhiana.

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4. On the other hand, the counsel for the respondents has

submitted that the service of the employees and officers of the

Corporation are governed by the Life Insurance Corporation of India

(Staff), Regulations, 1960 which provide that an employee/officer is

liable to serve at place where he/she is posted from time to time. The

said regulations also providing that the competent authority may transfer

an employee from one department to another in the same office or from

one office of the Corporation to another office. Therefore, the petitioner

cannot claim any right to remain posted at any place of her choice. The

respondent-Corporation has full authority to transfer the petitioner, or for

that matter; any other employee to any place according to its work,

business and administrative requirements. It is further submitted that the

Transfer and Mobility Policy contains only guiding principles for the

internal working of the Corporation. It does not confer any right upon

any employee/officer. Therefore, under the said policy, the petitioner

cannot claim anything as a matter of right. Otherwise also even Clause

3(a) of the same policy provides that the officer working on the post of

Assistant Divisional Manager and above, can remain posted at one place

for maximum of six years. This duration of six years is to be counted by

including the service at that place in all cadres. Still further the clause

provides that an employee/officer may be continued at the same place

even beyond six years, if there is no request for incoming transfer to that

place. In case of the petitioner, she has remained posted at Chandigarh,

admittedly, for seven years and there have been incoming requests from

the other officers to get posted in Chandigarh, therefore, she has rightly

been transferred from Chandigarh to Ludhiana office. The counsel has

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further submitted that even Clause 6, upon which the petitioner has

relied, does not contain an absolute provision for retention of an

employee/officer at the same place after such an employee/officer attains

the age of 58 years. The clause itself makes the said aspect subject to the

availability of vacancy. Since there were incoming requests for being

posted at Chandigarh from the other officers, made under the same

policy, therefore, after acceding to their requests, no vacancy was left at

Chandigarh office. Therefore, the petitioner was rightly transferred to

Ludhiana office.

5. Qua the aspect of discrimination, the counsel for the

respondents has submitted that the petitioner is not the only person who

has been transferred from her present place of posting to some other

office on promotion, despite having attained the age of 58 years. This

aspect has been dependant upon the vacancy situation and the incoming

requests at the particular places. Accordingly, at least 13 officers have

been transferred like the petitioner despite having attained the age of 58

years. Only stray cases could be adjusted by the respondent-Corporation

at the same places even after promotion. Those places also happen to be

where the vacancies were existing. Hence it is submitted by the counsel

for the respondents that the present petition be dismissed.

6. Before proceeding further, it would be apposite to have

reference to the relevant provisions of Regulations of 1960 as well as to

some relevant provisions of the Transfer and Mobility instructions of the


Life Insurance Company of India (Staff), Regulations,

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20. Unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided,
the whole time of an employee shall be at the disposal of the
Corporation and he shall serve the Corporation in its
business in such capacity and at such place as he may from,
time to time be directed.
80. The competent authority may transfer an employee
from one department to another in the same office or from
one office of the corporation to another office.”

LIC of India Transfer and Mobility (of Class-I Officers),
Instructions, 2016

3. Normal period of Posting/Maximum tenure:

(a) Maximum stay duration at a station of 10 years
shall apply only to Metro cities, In other cases it
shall be 8 years in a station for AAO/AO and 6
years in a station for ADM and above Officers.
The maximum tenure at a station shall be taken
inclusive of tenure in all cadres.

In case there are no incoming transfer requests for
a particular station, maximum tenure conditions
shall not be applicable in these cases. However,
in the office exigencies the Competent Authority
will have the right to transfer any officer
irrespective of tenure.

(b) The term “position” shall refer to the Assignment
an officer is dealing with.

(c) In case of officers on deputation, period spent on
deputation in the same station shall also be
counted for computing NPP. With regard to
reversion cases, period spent at the station of
posting on promotion immediately preceding
reversion shall also be treated as the period spent

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in the earlier station, viz. place of work prior to
acceptance of promotion.

(d) Posting of an officer on refusal of
promotion/reversion shall be done in accordance
with the NPP criteria.

(e) The maximum tenure of 3 years in a position is
applicable for the sensitive positions (list
enclosed). However, officers working in other
than sensitive positions, maximum tenure in a
position shall normally be 5 years. Chairman
reserve the right to declare any department as
sensitive department as and when required.

(f) Newly promoted AAOs shall be initially posted to
the offices where there is shortage of manpower
based on sanctioned strength. However, Officers
selected as ITSG / Actuarial Core Group /
Investment Specialist Group shall be exempted
from posting in DO / BO / SO as the case may be.

(g) Direct Recruit AAOs shall be initially posted in
Branches only for a minimum period of 3 years.

(h) Officers recruited as AAO (CAs) shall be posted
initially for a minimum three years in Divisions

6. Posting on Promotions:
The concerned Office shall evaluate the Offices where
there is shortage of manpower based on the
sanctioned cadre strength. Accordingly, these posts
shall be filled in by way of promotions on priority.
Officers aged 58 years (nearer birth day) and above
as on 01st April of the relevant year shall not be

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transferred on promotion subject to availability of
vacancies in the elevated cadre.

7. In case of employee-employer relationship, it is for the

employer to decide the place of posting of the employee, keeping in view

the work requirement and in the interest of better administration of the

organization. Therefore, an employee/officer does not have any absolute

right to stay or get posted at any particular place of his/her choice. The

posting of an employee is only an ‘incidence of service’ and not the

‘condition of service’. The aspect of posting; being an incidence of

service, no employee can force an employer to post him at any particular

place, by any means. To the same effect; there is a provision contained

in the regulations of the respondent-Corporation as well, as is contained

in Regulation Nos.20 and 80 mentioned hereinabove.

8. It is well established by now that the transfer policy is only

for the internal guidance of the department to streamline the posting of its

employees for better and efficient functioning of the organization /

department. The transfer policy is not a statutory document, upon which

any employee/officer can base any right. Such transfer policy is always

non-enforceable. Hence, the petitioner cannot base her claim on the

provisions of the transfer policy to seek a writ of mandamus against the

respondents; for a direction to them to post the petitioner at a particular

place of her choice. Moreover, since regulations governing the staff of

the Corporation already covered the field, therefore, in case of any

instructions issued by the respondent-Corporation, such instruction shall

always be subservient to the regulations issued on the said aspect.

Needless to say, as mentioned above, the regulations left the matter of

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posting of its employees to the exclusive discretion of the competent

authority, not giving any kind of right to the employee on the issue of


9. Even if the said policy is taken to contain same kind of

provision, which the court may look at, to assess the case of the

respective parties, though not conferring any right upon the petitioner,

still this Court finds that the provisions of Clause 6, relied upon by the

counsel for the petitioner, does not confer any right upon the petitioner

for not being transferred; only on the ground that she has attained the age

of 58 years. Although, the counsel for the petitioner has relied upon the

judgment of Supreme Court rendered in Moti Lal Ghelabhai (Supra), J.

K. Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills Co. Ltd. (Supra) and Dilawar

Singh (Supra),to contend that this special provision of policy shall

exclude other general provision contained in the same Policy, however,

this court finds that those judgments are not even relevant to the case of

the petitioner. All these judgments relates to the interpretation of the

provision of the Act or the statutory Rules, and not the provisions of

transfer policy. Otherwise also a cumulative reading of the provisions of

the Transfer and Mobility Policy of the Corporation shows that it has

provided a maximum period of posting for an officer at one place. For

the post of ADM and above, the maximum period of posting that has

been specified under the said policy is six years, which can be extended

further only if there are no requests for incoming transfers at that place or

there are no exigencies of the office which does not permit the retention

of an officer at a particular place. Even Clause 6 of the said policy does

not create unconditional provision for not transferring of an officer, who

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has attained the age of 58 years. Even this provision makes this aspect

subject to availability of vacancies in the elevated cadre. Hence, if there

are no available vacancies in the promotional cadre at one particular

place, then even if an officer has attained the age of 58 years, he/she shall

have to be transferred. The availability of the vacancies in the

promotional cadre has to be determined by harmoniously reading Clauses

3 and 6 together. The Clause 3 provides maximum period of posting of

an officer at a place; which cannot be extended in case there are incoming

requests for transfer to that place. Therefore, for assessing the

availability of vacancies in promotional cadre at a particular place, the

incoming requests for transfer to that place shall have to be accounted for

in the first instance; in case the officer sought to be transferred has

already completed 6 years at that place. It is only after adjusting the

incoming requests, that the officer sought to be transferred can be

retained at that place, if still there are some vacancies left at that place.

In the present case, it is not even in dispute that the petitioner had already

remained posted at Chandigarh for more than six years. The respondents

have amply clarified that there had been incoming requests from other

officers for being posted at Chandigarh. After accounting for their

requests, there was no vacancy left at Chandigarh office. Hence, the

petitioner has rightly been ordered to be transferred to the divisional

office of the Corporation at Ludhiana. Therefore, this Court does not

find any illegality or irregularity in order passed by the respondents, even

if the Transfer and Mobility Instructions of the Corporation has to be

assigned some legal value, although it would never be so warranted as

per the law.

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10. Another aspect which is clear from the facts on file is that

the petitioner has not even alleged any mala fide against any authority.

There is no allegation by the petitioner of extraneous considerations

being taken into account by the authorities. In absence of any allegation

of mala fide or interplay of any extraneous consideration, this court

would not interfere in barely an administrative matter of posting of the

officers by respondent-Corporation. Otherwise also, undisputedly, the

petitioner had already joined the duty pursuant to the transfer order, way

back on 06.07.2020. Hence, the transfer order stands already complied

with about 8 months back. This court finds no justification for

overturning the prevalent arrangement by setting aside the transfer of the


11. In view of the above, finding no merit in the present petition,

the same is dismissed.

12. All the pending applications are disposed of accordingly.

‘raj’ JUDGE

Whether speaking/reasoned: Yes No

Whether Reportable: Yes No

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