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Punjab-Haryana High Court
M/S Malibu Estate Pvt Ltd vs Shubhram And Ors on 24 March, 2021 1

(Heard through Video Conferencing)


CR-6503 of 2017 (O&M)
DATE OF DECISION: 24.03.2021

M/s Malibu Estate Pvt. Ltd.


Subhram & Ors.


Argued by :Mr. Anurag Jain, Advocate with
Ms. Preeti Taneja, Advocate
For the petitioner.

Mr. Sanjiv Aggarwal, Advocate
For respondents.


1. Petitioner Company (defendant No.1 in the suit) is aggrieved

by an order dated 01.08.2017(Annexure P-5) passed by the learned trial

Court whereby amendment of the plaint has been permitted. Amongst

others, one of the grievances of the petitioner is that the same has been

permitted not only highly belatedly being barred by limitation as per

Article 58 of the Limitation Act, but even otherwise it seriously

prejudices the defendants having been permitted at the fag end of the trial

when defendants were about to close their evidence and the matter was

almost ripe for final arguments.

2. Before adumbrating further, a succinct narrative leading to

the instant proceedings. For the sake of convenience, parties are being

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referred herein as per their status in the plaint before the trial Court


3. Plaintiffs originally filed a civil suit, inter alia, seeking

declaration to the effect that they are co-sharers/ co-owners to the extent

of 1/4th share in the suit land comprising in khewat No. 62, khatoni

No.68, rectangle No. 2, killa No. 14/2(2-4) as per jamabandi for the year

2003-04 situated within the revenue estate of village Fatehpur, Tehsil and

District Gurgaon. Further prayer for grant of decree qua partition and

possession of their 1/4th share has also been sought in the civil suit.

While, at the same time, a cross-suit has been filed by defendant No.1

Company seeking specific performance of the collaboration agreement

dated 15.04.2004 executed with plaintiffs qua the same suit land wherein

they have sought declaration to uphold the collaboration agreement and

its consequential specific performance in respect of same very 1/4th share

in the suit land, which has been described as Rectangle No. 12, killa Nos.

14/2(2-4) and 17(2-2) stated to be owned by the plaintiffs.

3.1 Long and short, in both the suits it is the same land which is

under lis. In fact it would be apposite to reproduce the prayer clause of

both the suits viz. one filed by respondents herein for declaration and

second one for specific performance filed by petitioner Company,

respectively, herein below:-

Suit filed by respondents:-

“10. That the plaintiffs pray that a decree for declaration
to the effect that the plaintiffs are co-sharer and co-owner in
possession of 1/4th share of the above said land mentioned in
para No.1 of the plaint and their share be separated by
partition and with permanent injunction as a consequential
relief restraining the defendants from alienating, making
any construction and changing the nature of the suit
property and also from interfering in the peaceful

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possession of the plaintiff, be passed in favour of the
plaintiffs and against the defendants with costs.”
Suit filed by petitioner Company

It is, therefore, humbly prayed that in the interest of justice
your Honour may very kindly be pleased to pass a decree for
declaration to the effect that plaintiffs are exclusive owners
in possession of the land bearing Rect. no. 12, killa nos.
14/2(2-4), 17 min North (1-0.5); that defendants have got
absolutely no right, interest or title therein and the revenue
entries showing the land bearing Rect. no. 12, killa nos.
14/2(2-4), 17(2-2) as joint are illegal, invalid, incorrect and
not binding on the plaintiffs; that judgment and decree dated
26.9.87 passed in suit no. 846/1987 by Senior Sub Judge,
Gurgaon in suit titled ‘Subh Ram and another Versus Smt.
Dharam Kaur etc.’, consequent mutation no. 1116 and other
revenue entries on their basis are also totally incorrect,
baseless, untenable, void abinitio, nonest, nullity and not
binding on the plaintiffs with consequential relief of
permanent injunction restraining the defendants, their
agents, servants and persons claiming through or under
them from taking forcible possession, dispossessing the
plaintiffs, ousting the plaintiffs in any manner or otherwise
interfering in their peaceful use and enjoyment of the land
bearing Rect. No. 12, killa no. 14/2 (2-4), 17 (2-2) or
alienating any part of the aforesaid land and also from
selling, leasing mortgaging or creating any third party
rights and also a decree for specific performance in respect
of the land bearing Rect. no. 12, killa no. 17 min South (1-
1.5) and in case the oral private partition is not proved, in
that event a decree for specific performance regarding 1/4th
share of the defendants in the land bearing Rect. no. 12,
killa nos. 14/2 (2-4), 17 (2-2) situated in the revenue estate
of Fatehpur, Tehsil and District Gurgaon may kindly be
passed in favour of the plaintiffs and against the defendants
with costs subject to incurring stamp, registration and
miscellaneous expenses by plaintiff no. 1. Defendants may
kindly be directed to execute and get registered sale deed
regarding the aforesaid land in favour of plaintiff no. 1.
Without prejudice to the rights of the plaintiffs in any
manner, it is respectfully alternatively submitted that in case
the defendants somehow succeed in taking forcible
possession or dispossessing the plaintiffs from any part of
the land bearing Rect. no. 12, killa nos. 14/2 (2-2), 17 (2-2),
in that event a decree for mandatory injunction / possession
regarding such portion may kindly be passed in favour of
the plaintiffs and against the defendants. Costs of the suit be
also awarded to the plaintiffs. Without prejudice to the
rights of the plaintiff no. 1 in any manner, it is further
respectfully alternatively submitted that in case this Hon’ble
Court comes to the conclusion that for some reason the
specific performance of the aforesaid agreement of sale

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between plaintiff no. 1 and defendants cannot be ordered,
only in that event plaintiff no. 1 alternatively prays that a
decree for recovery of Rs. 11,42,200/- besides damages
caused to the plaintiffs due to non-performance of the
agreement of sale by defendants alongwith interest at the
rate of 18% per annum with effect from 18.6.2004 till date of
repayment alongwith future interest at the rate of 18% per
annum from the date of suit till realization may kindly be
passed in favour of plaintiff no. 1. Any other relief which this
Hon’ble court deems appropriate and suitable be also
granted to the plaintiff.”

3.2 A perusal of both the prayers in the un-amended suits would

show that no doubt in the suit filed by the plaintiffs, killa No. 17(2-2) is

not stated though on the other hand defendant No.1-Company in the suit

for specific performance filed by it, is seeking the performance from the

respondents herein, with regard to killa No.17(2-2), which only shows

that company admitted that at the relevant time respondents had title qua

the said killa No.17(2-2) and the same has to pass on to defendant No.1

Company pursuant to the collaboration agreement. However, since the

respondents herein later backed out from performing their part of

agreement/ collaboration agreement, hence the suit for specific


3.3 Merits of the suit for specific performance are not relevant

and what is relevant here is that the land in question is the same in the

suit for specific performance as well as in the suit for declaration filed by

the respondents. It was perhaps keeping the same in mind that subject

matter of the property being same as well as parties also the same, both

suits were consolidated vide a judicial order passed by this Court in

separate proceedings. Thereafter, both the cases are being tried jointly.

3.4 In the aforesaid background, plaintiffs filed an application

dated 13.07.2017 stating therein that due to clerical/ typographical

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mistake which came to notice of their counsel, though belatedly but was

admittedly a serious mistake, and could not be noticed at the time of

filing of the plaint, therefore, same needed to be corrected by way of

amendment by incorporating killa No.17(2-2). To be noted, relevant

revenue record qua declaration of 1/4th share was already appended along

with suit wherein aforesaid killa No.17(2-2) wherein it is clearly

mentioned in the relevant column showing the respondents herein as the

owners/ co-sharers to the extent of 1/4th share.

3.5 The said amendment was opposed tooth and nail before the

trial Court but the objections filed by defendant No.1 Company did not

find favour with the trial Court and hence the impugned order.

4. I have heard rival contentions of both the counsel and I do

not find any material irregularity or any other fault with the order passed

by the trial Court, assailed in these proceedings. No interference qua the

same is warranted for the reasons stated hereinafter.

5. The first and foremost objection qua the amendment is that

same is barred by Limitation Act. There is no quibble as regards the

proposition of law canvassed by learned counsel for the petitioner herein,

that something which stands extinguished or forfeited by operation of law

and/ or passage of time cannot be revived at a later stage and the

limitation cannot be extended. A relief available to the litigant, though

available earlier but not sought, the same by operation of law/ limitation

would stand extinguished. I am in agreement with the said proposition

strenuously argued by learned counsel for the petitioner. However,

present is a case of a clerical error where the plaintiffs, in no uncertain

terms, have made following recitals in the very first para of his plaint:-

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“That the plaintiffs are co-sharer, co-owner in possession of
1/4th share of land comprising in Khewat No.62, Khatoni
No.68, Rect. No.12, Killa No.14/2(2-4) situated within the
revenue estate of village Fatehpur, Tehsil and Distt.
Gurgaon vide jamabandi year 2003-2004. Copy of
jamabandi is enclosed herewith.”

6. A perusal of above leaves no manner of doubt that plaintiffs

are seeking declaration of 1/4th share of the land as per the revenue

entries in the jamabandi at the time of filing of the suit, wherein it is

stated to be the land located in Khewat No. 62, Khatoni No.68, Rectangle

No.12, Killa No.14/2(2-4), total measuring 04 kanal 06 marlas.

7. In the premise, neither the amendment changes the area of

the land nor its location nor even otherwise in terms of the share of the

plaintiff which would remain confined to 1/4th as per the original suit.

Therefore, to say that the claim of the plaintiffs is barred by time is

highly inappropriate as the plaintiffs at the time of filing of the suit claim

themselves to be co-owner/ co-sharer to the extent of 1/4th share qua the

same very land for which they had entered into collaboration agreement

with the defendant Company.

8. Even otherwise, as per the contents of application for

amendment, plaintiffs do not at this stage seek to adduce any additional

evidence qua the amendment.

9. Another aspect, not to be overlooked is that before entering

into agreement for specific performance the defendant had carried out

due diligence to ascertain the claim of the plaintiffs qua 1/4th share and,

therefore, it proceeded for specific performance thereof. Defendant No.1

Company claimed to have acquired the rights in the suit land from

respondents herein and it is but natural that only if they had a title

therein, then only they could have further passed it on to defendant No.1

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Company. It was in this peculiar circumstance that trial Court observed

as below:-

“5. Admittedly, the suit was filed on 29.01.2020. The
present suit is for seeking declaration, partition and
permanent injunction. The Jamabandi, which is Ex.P4 on
the file shows the parties to the suit as owners in column
No.5 and I column No.7, both killa Nos. 14/2 and 17 are
mentioned and the total land measuring is 4 kanal 6 marla.
The relief of declaration is intrinsic in the relief for
partition. In any suit for partition, if decreed the parties to
the suit are declared as owners of their respective shares.
The plaintiffs have undertaken in the application itself that
they would not lead any evidence. The proposed amendment
will not enlarge the scope of the suit rather they will
complete its scope of the suit rather they will complete its
scope as in a suit for partition the entire subject matter must
be included. The proposed amendment does not introduce
any fresh cause of action nor does it change the nature of
the suit. No doubt the application is belated as the omission
sought to be rectified persisted for about 7 years. Such a
glaring oversight of the plaintiffs is also astonishing.
Nevertheless, the plaintiffs cannot be precluded for
correcting the error as due to this lapse of time no right has
accrued in favour of the defendants. However,
inconvenience in facing such an application at a belated
stage can always be compensated by way of costs.”

A perusal of the above would show that proposed

amendment neither changes the nature of the suit nor it entertains any

fresh cause of action though the same is no doubt at a belated stage for

which trial Court has rightly observed that delay in amendment does not

reciprocal legal right in favour of defendant No.1 Company. The said

amendment by any stretch is not hit by Article 52 of the Limitation Act.

10. As regards the reliance placed by learned counsel for the

petitioner on Apex Court judgments rendered in Khatri Hotels Private

Limited & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Anr.1 and Shiv Gopal Sah @

Shiv Gopal Sahu Vs. Sita Ram Saraugi and others2, the same seems to

be on a misplaced understanding that the case of the respondents herein is
Civil Appeal No.7773 of 2011 arising out of SLP (C) No. 22126 of 2009 decided on 09.09.2011
Civil Appeal No.1700 of 2007 arising out of SLP(C) 1729 of 2006 decided on 30.03.2007

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barred by limitation. Both the aforesaid judgments lay down a

proposition of law which no doubt would have been applicable to the

case of the petitioner Company had it been a case of amendment being

barred by limitation. Even otherwise, the explanation given in the

aforesaid cases for seeking amendment did not find favour with Apex

Court as the same was not only belated, but was also sought to be done

only after opposite party brought forward the lacuna in the course of trial.

Instant is a case where no such advantage is being taken by the plaintiffs

as at the time of filing of their suit for declaration of 1/4th share of land,

such a prayer was already there on record. As observed earlier, they are

not changing the nature of claim and wants to incorporate only recitals/

killa number of the land which by inadvertence they omitted to mention

at the time of filing of the suit.

11. On the flip side, in case the proposed amendment is not

allowed, I am in agreement with arguments of learned counsel for

respondents that respondents-plaintiffs would be highly prejudiced on the

ground of partition proceedings being rendered nullity due to omission of

said killa number as the same would lead to mere partial partition qua the

1/4th of the joint land in which the plaintiffs claim their ownership, while

on the other hand, if amendment is allowed, no prejudice would be

caused to the petitioner Company herein as the same would not lead to

any further delay as the plaintiffs themselves have made statement before

the trial Court that they would not be adducing any additional evidence

qua the amendment. Accordingly, on conclusion of defendant’s evidence,

the suit can proceed further as before.

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12. In the parting it would also be worthwhile to observe that

plaintiffs are not seeking any amendment in the contents of plaint other

than addition of omitted killa number 17(2-2) in the head note of prayer

clause of plaint and, therefore, ordinarily no amended written statement is

required, since there is no change to the facts. However, it is left open for

the trial Court to decide at an appropriate stage in case any such

eventuality arises.

13. Revision petition stands dismissed.

24.03.2021 JUDGE

Whether speaking/reasoned : Yes/No
Whether reportable : Yes/No

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