Punjab-Haryana High Court
Malkeet Singh vs State Of Punjab And Others on 20 April, 2021 In the High Court of Punjab and Haryana, at Chandigarh

Civil Writ Petition No. 15008 of 2020

Date of Decision: 20.04.2021

Malkeet Singh
… Petitioner(s)


State of Punjab and Others
… Respondent(s)

CORAM: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Anil Kshetarpal.

Present: Mr. Vikas Singh, Advocate
for the petitioner.

Ms. Maloo Chahal, Deputy Advocate General,
Punjab for the respondents.

Anil Kshetarpal, J.

Through this writ petition, filed under Article 226 of the

Constitution of India, the petitioner prays for issuance of a writ in the nature

of certiorari to quash the order dated 28.08.2020 (Annexure P15), whereby

the services of the petitioner have been dispensed with.

The petitioner was employed on compassionate basis on

24.12.2015 as a Clerk after his father, who was working as a Driver, died on

28.08.2008. At the time of appointment, the petitioner claimed that he is a

graduate from Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya, India. The

respondent-State, on verification of the degree, has found that the aforesaid

University did not have the required permission to open Study Center/Off

Campus Center and therefore, the graduation degree of the University is not

recognized. The learned counsel for the petitioner contends that as per the

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Punjab Roadways (Ministerial) State Services Class-III Rules, 1977

(hereinafter referred to as “the 1977 Rules”), the minimum qualification is

matriculation and not graduation. Further, the learned counsel for the

petitioner contends that the services of the petitioner cannot be dispensed

with in view of the judgment passed in Karamjeet Kaur v. State of Punjab

and Others 2019 (3) SCT 162.

Per contra, the respondents have filed a detailed written

statement contending that the petitioner does not possess the minimum

qualification as the graduation degree is not recognized. It has further been

pointed out that as per Rule 15 of the Punjab Civil Services (General and

Common Conditions) Rules, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1994

Rules”), the minimum academic qualification for the post of Clerk is

graduation and since Rule 20 ibid has been given an overriding effect,

therefore, no Clerk can be appointed in the service of the State without

possessing the minimum qualification.

This Bench has heard learned counsel for the parties at length

and with their able assistance, perused the paper-book.

As regards the first argument, it may be noted that in the

appointment letter itself, it was indicated that the services of the petitioner

shall be governed by the 1977 Rules as well as the Punjab Civil Services

Rules. Rule 15 clearly provides that the minimum qualification for the post

of Clerk is graduate and not matriculation. Further, Rule 20 of the 1994

Rules starts with a non-obstante clause and therefore, has been given an

overriding effect as it is placed on a higher pedestal. In view thereof, the

argument of learned counsel for the petitioner that the minimum

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qualification for the post of Clerk is matriculation does not have any


As regards the next argument, it is to be noted that in

Karamjeet Kaur (supra), a Co-ordinate Bench, while examining the issue in

detail, has laid down the following parameters/directions:

“52. Upon consideration of facts, developments and change in

distance education policies over the time and the findings

recorded under different heads from HEAD “A” To “G”

following parameters/directions are issued:-

(i) In case of Deemed Universities and Private

Institutions (other than Universities) the cut-off date with

regard to territorial jurisdiction and study centre will be

29.3.2010, all admissions made prior to 29.3.2010 to

obtain degrees awarded through use of study centres, off-

campus centres of Deemed Universities and Private

Institutions (other than Universities) will be valid,

subject to the statutes/ MOA (Memorandum of

Association) of University permitting opening up of

Centres in the territory from which it was operating or

permits opening up of centres at any place where there

are reasonable concentration of students (as permitted

by UGC in 1985 Regulations, Annexure P-34).

(ii) In case of State Universities (both Government

funded or Private funded)the cut-off date will be

1.11.2012 , therefore all admissions made prior to

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1.11.2012 to obtain degrees awarded through use study

centres/off campus centres of State Universities or

Private Universities will be valid, subject to the statutes/

MOA of University permitting opening up of Centre in

the territory from which it is operating or permits

opening up of centres at any place where there are

reasonable concentration of students (as permitted by

UGC in 1985 Regulations, Annexure P-34).

(iii) The qualifications attained after the cut-off date

mentioned above will stand de-recognised for all

purposes. However as opening up of study centers was

permitted after prior approval from UGC, it is clarified

that even after the cut-off date if the qualification

attained through distance education mode from

Institutions (other than University) / Universities

(Central University, State University, Deemed University

or Private University) is in consonance with the

regulations/ notifications/policies of DEC/ UGC with

regard to territorial jurisdiction and study centres

prevailing at the relevant time and the study centre is

approved by the UGC, then the qualification will be

recognised and valid. This observation has been made

due to lack of complete Information before this Court, as

no list of approved study centres has been brought before

this Hon’ble Court.

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(iv) With regard to First degrees awarded by

Universities [including Central Universities, State

Universities, Private Universities, Deemed Universities]

by way of Distance Education in the faculties of Arts,

Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences,

Commerce and Sciences are concerned, the same shall

be valid in light of the 1985 regulations (Annexure P-34)

permitting imparting education though distance mode

via study centres, subject to being admitted in the

University prior to the cut-off date mentioned above in

para no. (i) & (ii) of parameters laid above, as the case

may be.

(v) With regard to Post graduation degrees awarded

by way of distance education in non-technical field (such

as Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences,

Commerce and Sciences etc.) in cases where Institutional

Recognition has been granted, if the qualification is in

terms of MOA (Memorandum of Association) / Acts/

Statute of the University viz the field of specialization

and the degree is notified under Section 22 of the UGC

Act (List of degrees specified under Section 22 of UGC

Act is on record as Annexure P38) the same shall stand

validated, subject to being admitted in the University

prior to the cut-off date mentioned above in para no. (i)

& (ii) of parameters laid above, as the case may be.

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(vi) With regard to post graduation degrees awarded

by way of distance education in Non-Technical Field

(such as Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social

Sciences, Commerce and Sciences etc.) where

programme wise recognition has been granted, only

those qualifications will be valid which have been

mentioned in the list of approved/recognised

qualifications, subject to being admitted in the University

prior to the cut-off date mentioned above in para no. (i)

& (ii) of parameters laid above, as the case may be.

(vii) The qualifications which have been held to be

valid above be treated as at par with the degrees

awarded by way of conventional mode/ regular mode of


(viii) The State Government is directed to take

necessary action in terms of the above findings within a

period of 6 months from the date of receipt of certified

copy of the order. The State government can verify the

recognition list [whether University (Central, State,

Deemed or Private) /Institution (other than University)

had “Institutional Recognition”at particular time or

“Programme-wise Recognition”] uploaded by the

Distance Education Bureau, UGC on its website, which

is also on record as Annexure P-57. Further the State

government can also verify as to whether degree has

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been mentioned in the list of degree specified under

Section 22 of UGC Act or not from the list uploaded on

the website of UGC which is also on record as Annexure

P-38.With regard to Memorandum of Association, Act

and Statutes of the universities, the State government can

obtain the same from the students whose cases are

pending at the level of the government or from the

concerned universities or from the UGC.

(ix) The State government after completing the

exercise in terms of Para No.(viii) hereinabove would

start a portal/webpage/ website wherein information with

regard to recognition of different types of degrees from

various universities is uploaded, so that not only general

public is aware with regard to recognition of degrees, but

also uniformity & transparency can be maintained with

regard to implementation of the aforesaid directions, in

all the departments of the State Government right down

till the field level.

For clarity an illustration is being given hereunder:-

To verify the qualification of a candidate

who has attained qualification of M.A. through

distance education mode from a University in

Rajasthan having centre in Punjab, the state will

firstly check the status of the University viz if the

university is a Deemed University then cut-off date

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mentioned above in para no. (i) of parameters laid

above will be applicable and in case of state

universities and private universities cut-off date

mentioned above in para no. (ii) of parameters

laid above will be applicable.

In case the candidate has got admission in

the course after the cut-off date, the same shall be

invalid, however if he was admitted in the course

prior to the cutoff date in that case the state will

then verify the statutes/MOA of the University and

if the degree is in the field mentioned in the

statutes/ MOA and is also mentioned in the list of

degree specified under Section 22 of the UGC,

then the qualification will be considered as valid

subject to the territory from which University is

operating is in consonance with the Acts/ Statutes /

MOA of the University. As in the present

Illustration if in the statutes/MOA of University

field of Arts is mentioned and the degree of M.A. is

also mentioned in the list of degree specified under

Section 22 and in the Statute/ MOA of University it

is mentioned that territorial jurisdiction of

University is throughout the territory of India or

that it can open centres where ever there are

reasonable concentration of students,then the

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qualification attained from centre at Punjab shall

be considered as valid.

(x) In view to reduce litigation and hardship of the

candidates/ students liberty is being granted to all the

students/candidates who will be affected on account of

noncompliance of the aforesaid directions, by the State

Government, to adopt appropriate recourse of law

including filing of the contempt petition.

(xi) It is clarified for all purposes, that the candidates

whose degree will stand invalidated in view of the

parameters mentioned above, all benefits secured by

such candidates/ employees shall stand withdrawn,

however if any monetary benefit has been drawn such as

salary etc. the same shall not be recovered. In such cases

the employees /candidates will be at the liberty to take

appropriate action, as available under law, so as to

recover the amount paid towards tuition fees,

expenditure incurred, damages etc. etc. from the

University/ Institution concerned. The above said

direction is being given on the lines of directions, in

similar situation issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of

India in paragraph 53 (vii) of the judgment reported as

2017 (4) SCT 683: 2017 AIR (SC) 5179 titled as Orissa

Lift Irrigation Corp. Ltd V. Rabi Sankar Patro.

However this Court considering the hardships to

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be faced by the employee for no fault of his and who on

the basis of the above said qualification which is not in

terms of the aforesaid parameters, had secured jobs (on

regular basis/ permanent basis as per Recruitment Rules)

and had settled in their life and have attained ample

experience while performing the duties on the post which

he/ she is holding for a substantial period of time,

considers it appropriate that a one-time concession be

granted to the effect, that the persons who are already in

job on the basis of the qualification which might be

invalidated on account of above said directions, be

permitted to continue in job, but in the cases where the

qualification if invalidated was essential qualification to

hold the post, they shall not be granted any further

benefits, viz promotion etc. etc. In the cases where

qualification which does not fulfill the above said

parameters is not an essential qualification and has been

utilized only for securing higher marks at the time of

selection, their case be treated separately as they fulfill

the requisite qualification in terms of the statutory rules

governing the post, therefore they will be entitled for all

further benefits subject to that even in case of promotion

the qualification so invalidated is not an essential


Similarly in cases where an employee was

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recruited on temporary basis after due selection process

based upon distance education degrees (now invalidated

in view of the parameters laid above) but has been

denied regularization of services on account of such

distance education degrees despite otherwise being

eligible, suitable for regularization, while other persons

recruited along with such employee have been

regularized in service, in such cases benefit of

regularization be extended if the qualification (attained

through distance education mode) so invalidated is not

an essential qualification to hold the post in terms of

statutory rules and is an additional qualification which

may have been used for attaining additional marks at the

time of initial selection. All benefits of service will be

extended as have been granted to other employees

recruited in the same selection or appointment made at

the same time. However, if the qualification from

distance education mode (which now stands invalidated

in view of above parameters) is essential qualification to

hold the post, in that case NO benefit will be granted

including benefit of regularization. It is so being laid

down as temporary employee has no vested right to hold

the post.


(a) It is clarified that, in case where the respondent

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State did not consider any person for appointment by

way of direct recruitment or by promotion on account of

possessing qualification through distance education

mode, but has been issued orders pursuant to interim

orders issued by the Hon’ble Court or has been issued

conditionally subject to outcome of any petition pending

before the Hon’ble Court, in that case concession

granted hereinabove will not be extended. The

concession has been given on the rationale that there

was complete disclosure on part of employee and state

having found eligible, permitted employee to work for a

considerable period, irrespective of holding a distance

education degree.

(b) In a situation where the graduation or post-

graduation has been attained through distance education

mode and higher qualification has been attained through

normal mode/conventional mode but his graduation or

post-graduation degree attained through distance

education mode stands invalidated in view of the

aforesaid parameters, then the higher qualification

attained on the basis of the degree so invalidated will

also stand invalidated, as illegality at the original/

foundation stage being a nullity cannot be cured by

subsequent acquisition of valid higher degree based upon

such invalid degree. It is well settled that in case of

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foundation being a nullity the whole edifice constructed

thereupon has to fall. This view finds support from the

law laid down by the Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of

M.P. State Coop. Bank Ltd., Bhopal v. Nanuram Yadav

2007 (4) SCT 464 and by this Court in Jagir Singh v.

State of Haryana reported as 2006 (7) SCT 386.

(c) Needless to say, that in case where candidate has

obtained a degree by attending the PCPs and has

undertaken exams in the main campus or within the State

where the University (as defined under Section 2 (f) and

Section 3 of UGC Act) is situated, in that case their

degree shall be valid, as no question of territorial

jurisdiction arises. This is subject to the University,

having recognition to impart education in such field (at

the time of institutional recognition, MOA/Statutes of

University permits imparting education in such field and

at the time of programme-wise recognition such course

had been permitted)”.

From a careful perusal of the order impugned herein, it is

apparent that the Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalya, is a Private

University. Still further, on careful perusal of the statement of marks

(Annexure P2), it is apparent that the Mahatma Gandhi University was set

up by the Mahatma Gandhi University Act, 2010.

Keeping in view the aforesaid facts, it is considered appropriate

to set aside the order (Annexure P15) and direct the respondents to pass a

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fresh order after taking into considerations the parameters/directions issued

in Karamjeet Kaur (supra).

Hence, the present writ petition is allowed and the matter is

remitted to the respondents to pass a fresh order within 3 months from the

date of the order.

(Anil Kshetarpal)
April 20, 2021
Whether speaking/reasoned :Yes/No
Whether reportable : Yes/No

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