Punjab-Haryana High Court
Mandeep Singh vs Union Of India And Ors on 7 April, 2021 211 IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA

CWP No.3907 of 2020 (O&M)
Date of decision : April 07, 2021

Mandeep Singh ……. Petitioner


Union of India and others ……. Respondents


Present:- Mr. G.S. Ghuman, Advocate for the petitioner.

Ms. Anita Balyan, Advocate for UOI.



Application is allowed as prayed for.

Written statement filed on behalf of the respondents is taken on



Application is allowed as prayed for.

Rejoinder in response to the written statement filed on behalf of

the respondents is taken on record.

Main case

The prayer made in the present writ petition is for quashing the

order declaring the petitioner as Deserter/Absentee without leave, issued by

respondent No.3 vide its letter No.3814 Phillora dated 22.06.2019

(Annexure P-15).

A perusal of the paper book shows that prayer of the petitioner

is for setting aside the orders passed by the authorities whereby the

For Subsequent orders see RA-CW-118-2021 Decided by HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJBIR SEHRAWAT
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petitioner has been declared to be a deserter. It is not even disputed that as

of today petitioner is no more in service. As per Section 3(o) of the Armed

Forces Tribunal Act, 2007, all service matters are required to be adjudicated

upon by the Armed Forces Tribunal in the first instance. Section 3(o) of the

Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007 is reproduced as under:

” (o) “service matters”, in relation to the persons
subject to the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), the Navy
Act, 1957 (62 of 1957) and the Air Force Act, 1950 (45
of 1950), mean all matters relating to the conditions of
their service and shall include–
(i) remuneration (including allowances), pension and
other retirement benefits;
(ii) tenure, including commission, appointment,
enrolment, probation, confirmation, seniority, training,
promotion, reversion, premature retirement,
superannuation, termination of service and penal
(iii) summary disposal and trials where the punishment
of dismissal is awarded;
(iv) any other matter, whatsoever, but shall not include
matters relating to–
(i) orders issued under section 18 of the Army Act, 1950
(46 of 1950), sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Navy
Act, 1957 (62 of 1957) and section 18 of the Air Force
Act, 1950 (45 of 1950); and (ii) transfers and postings
including the change of place or unit on posting
whether individually or as a part of unit, formation or
ship in relation to the persons subject to the Army Act,
1950 (46 of 1950), the Navy Act, 1957 (62 of 1957) and
the Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950);
(iii) leave of any kind;
(iv) summary court martial except where the

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punishment is of dismissal or imprisonment for more
than three months; ”

Hence the petitioner is having a statutory remedy of

adjudication. Although the petitioner has also included a prayer regarding

transfer from one regiment to another regiment, so as to bring the matter

within the jurisdiction of the High Court and to exclude the same from the

jurisdiction of the Armed Forces Tribunal, however, the question of transfer

would arise only if the order of declaration of the petitioner as deserter is set


Although counsel for the petitioner has referred to a judgment

passed by the Supreme Court in case of “Balkrisha Ram v UOI and

another”, 2020 (AIR) SC 341, however, this Court finds that the said

judgment is totally distinguishable. A bare reading of the said judgment

shows that the Supreme Court has only clarified that the High Courts would

have jurisdiction even in those cases where the person might be having an

alternate remedy. At the same time, the Supreme Court has been quick to

add that merely because the High Court has the jurisdiction, would not

mean that the High Court is required to exercise the said jurisdiction. The

question of entertainment of a writ petition under Article 226 of the

Constitution of India would be a matter of discretion of the High Court and

not of the jurisdiction as such. In the present case; this Court is not

declining to entertain the petition filed by the petitioner for want of

jurisdiction. However, this Court is not inclined to interfere in view of the

fact that there is a statutory body created for adjudicating upon the issues of

Armed Forces, where the High Court would always loath to interfere.

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Since the petitioner is having a statutory remedy, therefore, this

Court does not deem it appropriate to interfere in the present petition; at this


Hence the present petition is dismissed.

April 07, 2021
Whether speaking / reasoned Yes
Whether Reportable: No

For Subsequent orders see RA-CW-118-2021 Decided by HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJBIR SEHRAWAT
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