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Punjab-Haryana High Court
Manjit Kaur vs State on 4 March, 2021 IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA
CRWP-280-2021 (O&M)
Date of decision: 04.03.2021

Manjit Kaur …..Petitioner


State of Punjab and others …..Respondents


Present : Mr. S.S. Aviraj, Advocate
for the petitioner.

Mr. Rana Harjasdeep Singh, DAG, Punjab
for respondent No.1-State.

Mr. Sumeet Goel, Advocate
for respondent No.3-CBI.

Mr. Navkiran Singh, Advocate
for the applicant-detenue Gurvinder Singh
in CRM-235-2021 and CRM-259-2021.



(The case has been taken up for hearing through video



For the reasons mentioned in the application, the same is

allowed and affidavit of the applicant-detenue Gurvinder Singh is taken

on record as Annexure A-1 subject to all just exceptions.


Prayer in the application was for pre-ponement of the main

case from 04.03.2021 to an earlier date which has become infructuous

and is accordingly disposed of as having become infructuous.


Written complaint dated 24.12.2020 made by Manjit Kaur

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to Hon’ble the Chief Justice of this Court through post was received in

the Chief Justice’s Secretariat on 05.01.2021 and was, under the orders

dated 08.01.2021 passed by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Jaswant Singh, treated

as a Criminal Writ Petition (habeas corpus) under Article 226 of the

Constitution of India under the title ‘Manjit Kaur Vs. State’ and the

same was accordingly listed before this Court on judicial side.

The petitioner-Manjit Kaur alleged in the above said

complaint that on 10.12.2020 the officials of CIA Staff, Gurdaspur and

Police Station Sadar, Gurdaspur took her son Gurvinder Singh with

them saying that some Senior Officer had called her son. Thereafter,

she visited Police Station Sadar and CIA Staff, Gurdaspur many times

but they did not allow her to meet her son and continued to make false

promise to the effect that they had to produce her son in the Court.

Neither the police allowed her to meet her son nor her son was

produced in the Court.

Pursuant to notice of motion dated 15.01.2021, Mr. P.S.

Walia, Asstt. A.G., Punjab, appeared and accepted notice on behalf of

the respondent-State and sought time to file status report.

Status report by way of affidavit dated 19.01.2021 of Sub-

Inspector Jatinder Pal Singh, SHO, Police Station Sadar Gurdaspur was

filed. In the said affidavit it was mentioned that similar application

dated 24.12.2020 was made by Manjit Kaur (the present petitioner) to

learned Duty Magistrate, Gurdaspur. Report was filed before him that

Gurvinder Singh had not been arrested or illegally detained by the

Police of Police Station Sadar Gurdaspur and CIA Staff, Gurdaspur.

Inspector Ravinder Joshi along with Constables Omveer Singh and

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Amarbir Singh came to Police Station Sadar, Gurdaspur on 10.12.2020

regarding investigation of FIR No.93 dated 16.03.2020 registered under

Sections 468, 471 and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and

Section 12 of the Passport Act in Police Station Special Cell, New

Delhi and called Gurvinder Singh and issued direction to him to appear

in Police Station Special Cell, Lodhi Colony, New Delhi on 11.12.2020

at 12:00 noon. DDR was registered in Police Station Sadar Gurdaspur

vide G.D. No.41 dated 10.12.2020 in this regard.

Since the above-said status report did not mention anything

as to whereabouts of Gurvinder Singh, learned State Counsel sought

time to file additional reply.

Additional status report by of affidavit dated 22.01.2021 of

Sh.Sukhpal Singh, PPS, Deputy Superintendent of Police, City, District

Gurdaspur was filed by learned State Counsel through e-mail print out

of which was taken on record.

In the additional status report it was mentioned that

Inspector Ravinder Joshi, Special Cell, NDR had filed a status report in

the Court of learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gurdaspur in

the above-said case and in view of the status report, the application

dated 24.12.2020 filed by Manjit Kaur was dismissed by learned

Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gurdaspur vide order dated

06.01.2021. Copy of status report dated 05.01.2021 filed by Inspector

Ravinder Joshi, Special Cell, NDR before learned Additional Chief

Judicial Magistrate, Gurdaspur and order dated 06.01.2021 passed by

learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gurdaspur were enclosed

with the additional status report.

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In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, National

Investigation Agency was ordered to be impleaded as respondent No.2.

Mr. Sukhdeep Singh Sandhu, Advocate appeared and

accepted notice on behalf of respondent No.2-National Investigation

Agency and sought time to complete his instructions/file status report.

Mr. Sukhdeep Singh Sandhu, learned Counsel for

respondent No.2 submitted that the FIR in question had been registered

by Delhi Police and was being investigated by its officer Inspector

Ravinder Joshi and NIA had no concern with the same.

From the status report dated 05.01.2021 filed by Inspector

Ravinder Joshi before learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate,

Gurdaspur it emerged that Sukhmeet Pal Singh @ Sukh Bhikhariwal @

Kamaljeet Singh allegedly executed the sensational killing of Shaurya

Chakra recipient Balwinder Singh through his henchmen Gurjit Singh

@ Bhaa and Sukhdeep Singh @ Bhura who were arrested on

07.12.2020 and their preliminary interrogation revealed that Gurvinder

Singh (son of the petitioner-Manjit Kaur) was a close contact/associate

of gangster Sukhmeet Pal Singh @ Sukh Bhikhariwal @ Kamaljeet

Singh. On the basis of said revelation the police team headed by

Inspector Ravinder Joshi went to Police Station Sadar Gurdaspur.

Gurvinder Singh was called to Police Station Sadar, Gurdaspur by the

said police team headed by Inspector Ravinder Joshi on 10.12.2020

regarding investigation of FIR No.93 dated 16.03.2020 registered under

Sections 468, 471 and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and

Section 12 of the Passport Act in Police Station Special Cell, New

Delhi. Gurvinder Singh was questioned by Inspector Ravinder Joshi

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and was directed to appear in Police Station Special Cell, Lodhi Colony

for further questioning on 11.12.2020. Gurvinder Singh appeared

before Inspector Ravinder Joshi on 11.12.2020 and produced envelop

having fake Aadhar Card, PAN Card and Passport bearing

No.S1204024 having picture of gangster Sukhmeet Pal Singh @ Sukh

Bhikhariwal @ Kamaljeet Singh. Gurvinder Singh was again asked by

Inspector Ravinder Joshi to appear before him on 18.12.2020 and was

relieved from the investigation on 12.12.2020. During intervening night

of 12/13.12.2020 a team of Special Cell departed for Punjab for

investigation. Due to the ongoing farmer’s agitation, Gurvinder Singh

showed his inability to go to Punjab along with the police team and

informed his family members about the same. During the night due to

heavy fog, the police team along with Gurvinder Singh stayed

overnight at a hotel at village Nilokheri, Karnal. Gurvinder Singh

informed that he has a close acquaintance living nearby and that he can

go there on his own. In the morning of 13.12.2020 Gurvinder Singh left

hotel on his own without informing the police party. When Gurvinder

Singh did not turn up on 18.12.2020 his search was made. It came to

notice that Gurvinder Singh went to his friend Harpreet @ Harsh on

13.12.2020 who arranged his stay at his relative’s house in Mohali.

Gurvinder Singh stayed there for about 6 days and purchased new

mobile phone and new SIM. Gurvinder Singh also contacted his brother

Amandeep Singh @ Manie, settled in Canada, and got Rs.40,349.30/-

transferred to the bank account of his friend Harpreet @ Harsh.

Gurvinder Singh with his friend Harpreet @ Harsh went to V.K.

Garments shop at Main Bazar, Taraori, Karnal for purchasing some

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clothes and Chhabra Communications for purchasing mobile phone.

The CCTV footage showing presence of Gurvinder Singh and Harpreet

@ Harsh was also downloaded. On 31.12.2020 Sukhmeet Pal Singh @

Sukh Bhikhariwal @ Kamaljeet Singh was apprehended at IGI Airport,

New Delhi who confessed that the sensational killing was executed on

the instructions of ISI and that weapon used in the sensational killing

was provided to them through Gurvinder Singh.

Since from the above said status report it emerged that

Gurvinder Singh was not arrested in the above said case, appeared to

have been illegally detained during the period from 10.12.2020 to

13.12.2020 and to be missing since 13.12.2020 and the petitioner had

no knowledge as to whereabouts of her son Gurvinder Singh, Central

Bureau of Investigation was ordered to be impleaded as respondent

No.3 and was directed to register DDR, ascertain whereabouts of/trace

Gurvinder Singh and produce him before this Court, if so traced,

conduct preliminary enquiry into allegations of his illegal detention and

mysterious circumstances of his subsequent disappearance and register

FIR if such preliminary enquiry disclosed commission of any

cognizable offence including illegal detention of Gurvinder Singh by

anyone and thereupon investigate the matter and submit interim/final

action taken report in this regard.

In compliance with the above said order, respondent No.3-

CBI has submitted its report in a sealed cover which is opened in the

Court and is taken on record.

In its report, respondent No.3-CBI has given the details of

the action taken by it and also enclosed with its report statement in

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tabular form giving details of action taken while also mentioning in its

report what remained to be done in the enquiry.

Detenue Gurvinder Singh has also filed affidavit dated

13.02.2021 which is taken on record.

In his affidavit detenue Gurvinder Singh has alleged his

illegal detention by the police of Police Station Sadar Gurdaspur on

06.11.2020 and by Delhi Police from 10.12.2020 to 12.12.2020 and has

admitted that he escaped from custody of Delhi Police on 12.12.2020.

The petitioner in his affidavit has not mentioned where he remained

from 12.12.2020 upto 28.01.2021 and why he did not contact and

inform his mother regarding his whereabouts and has not given any

plausible explanation, apart from vague apprehension of danger to his

life, as to why after passing of order dated 27.01.2021 by this Court

directing CBI to conduct an enquiry he did not contact the concerned

officers of the CBI. In his affidavit detenue Gurvinder Singh has

alleged his illegal detention from 29.01.2021 to 07.02.2021 but there is

no plausible explanation as to why he did not make any complaint

regarding his alleged illegal detention before the concerned Judicial

Magistrate First Class having territorial jurisdiction.

Learned Counsel for the petitioner has submitted that now

the petitioner is missing since 07.02.2021 from the house of her brother

but learned Counsel for the petitioner has conceded that her brother has

not lodged any missing report in the local police station and the

petitioner-mother of the detenue is not alleged to be in illegal detention

by anyone.

Learned Counsel for detenue Gurvinder Singh seeks time

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for addressing arguments for taking of further proceedings in the

present habeas corpus petition.

In the present case conduct of the petitioner-mother of

detenue Gurvinder Singh as well as Gurvinder Singh appears to be

shrouded with unexplained mysterious circumstances and this Court is

constrained to express its disapproval of somewhat deliberate omission

to offer any plausible explanation for the same. Anyone approaching

the Court has to do so with clean hands and the process of law cannot

be allowed to be abused by anyone by withholding relevant information

from the Court.

Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment in Kanu Sanyal

Vs. District Magistrate, Darjeeling and others : (1973) 2 SCC 674,

traced the history, nature and scope of the writ of habeas corpus. While

explaining the nature and scope of the writ of habeas corpus Hon’ble

Supreme Court held that the writ of habeas corpus is essentially a

procedural writ. It deals with the machinery of justice, not the

substantive law. The object of the writ is to secure release of a person

who is illegally restrained of his liberty. The writ is, no doubt, a

command addressed to a person who is alleged to have another person

unlawfully in his custody requiring him to bring the body of such

person before the Court, but the production of the body of the person

detained is directed in order that the circumstances of his detention may

be inquired into, or to put it differently, “in the order that appropriate

judgment be rendered on judicial enquiry into the alleged unlawful

restrain”. But the writ is primarily designed to give a person restrained

of his liberty a speedy and effective remedy for having the legality of

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his detention enquired into and determined and if the detention is found

to be unlawful, having himself discharged and freed from such

restraint. The most characteristic element of the writ is its

peremptoriness. The essential and leading theory of the whole

procedure is the immediate determination of the right to the applicant’s

freedom and his release, if the detention is found to be unlawful. That is

the primary purpose of the writ, that is its substance and end. The

production of the body of the person alleged to be wrongfully detained

is ancillary to this main purpose of the writ. It is merely a means for

achieving the end which is to secure the liberty of the subject illegally


Exercise of the writ jurisdiction for issuance of a writ of

habeas corpus involves the procedure of issuance of rule nisi directing

the concerned authority by whom a person is alleged to be kept in

confinement to produce the body of the detenue with justification for

detention and making of the rule nisi absolute if the detention is

unjustified which has the effect of release of the person illegally


In the present case, detenue Gurvinder Singh was not in

custody of anyone when this Court took cognizance of the matter and

directed enquiry by the CBI and detenue Gurvinder Singh is not in

custody of anyone as on today. Therefore, in the present case the

question of making further enquiry for issuance of writ of habeas

corpus regarding his alleged illegal detention in custody at the time of

return of process and directing his release therefrom does not arise.

Detenue Gurvinder Singh can take appropriate proceedings

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regarding his alleged illegal detention on 06.11.2020, 10.12.2020 to

12.12.2020 and 29.01.2021 to 07.02.2021.

In the facts and circumstances of the case which have now

emerged, there appears to be no compelling reason for this Court to

continue with the present petition and take any further proceedings and

make any further inquiry on the same for issuance of writ of habeas

corpus or even directing the CBI to continue any further with

preliminary enquiry as directed by this Court vide order dated

27.01.2021 as the petitioner as well as detenue Gurvinder Singh have

the alternative remedies including the remedy of filing complaint before

the concerned Judicial Magistrate First Class having territorial

jurisdiction available to them and shall be at liberty to avail the same in

accordance with law.

The present habeas corpus petition is disposed of


04.03.2021 (ARUN KUMAR TYAGI)
Whether speaking/reasoned : Yes/No
Whether reportable : Yes/No

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