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Punjab-Haryana High Court
Reliance General Insurance Co. … vs Charanjit Kaur And Ors on 17 March, 2021 IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA AT

FAO NO. 7918 OF 2017 and
Cross Objection No. 103-CII of 2018
DATE OF DECISION : 17.03.2021

Reliance General Insurance Company Limited.



Charanjit Kaur and others



Present : Mr. Sanjeev Kodan, Advocate,
for the appellants.

Mr. Sanjeev Patiyal, Advocate
For the respondents.

(Presence marked through video conferencing).


1. The Insurance Company is in appeal impugning the award dated

03.10.2017 rendered by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Mohali (for brevity,

the Tribunal) by virtue of which the appellant(being the insurer) and respondent

No.5(driver) of the offending vehicle bearing registration No. PB7AS-4593 have

been fastened with liability to pay compensation of Rs.25,82,000/- along with

interest @ 6% per annum from the date of filing of the claim petition till

realization on account of death of Jaswinder Singh in a motor vehicular accident

caused on 11.08.2016 due to rash negligent driving of the offending vehicle.

2. The insurance company has challenged the award on the ground that it

has unnecessarily been burdened with the liability to indemnify the claimants that

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too with an exaggerated amount, while the claimants have filed cross objections

No.103-CII of 2018 aggrieved with the compensation amount being on lower side.

3. During the course of arguments, it has been pointed out by learned

counsel for parties that FAO No. 7228 of 2017 arising out of the same accident in

respect of accidental death of Kulbir Singh has been decided by this Court vide

judgment dated 21.12.2020 and the findings returned by the Tribunal that the

accident in question had taken place due to rash and negligent driving of offending

vehicle by respondent No.5, has been upheld. Hence, counsel for the parties are ad

idem that now the only issue to be adjudicated is with respect to quantum of

compensation, so awarded by the Tribunal.

4. I have heard learned counsel for the appellant as well as cross-

objector on the point of quantum of compensation.

5. The first plank of argument raised by learned counsel for the appellant

is that the Tribunal has wrongly relied upon the salary certificate(Ex.PW3/C)

which is not a genuine document and has been procured by the claimants just to

derive undue benefit. According to learned counsel, PW3 Gurpal Singh in whose

firm the deceased was allegedly working, failed to substantiate the factum of

having paid Rs.15,000/- as salary to the deceased as in the income tax returns

produced on record as Ex.PW3/F, Ex.PW3/I and Ex.PW3/J for the years 2014-15,

2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively do not reflect any tax liability on the firm and in

this view of the matter it cannot be believed that the firm engaged the services of

deceased for Rs.15,000/- per month.

6. Apart therefrom, learned counsel for the appellant submitted that the

Tribunal had wrongly added 30% for future prospects. Concededly, the deceased

was 40 years of age at the time of death. In view of the law laid down by the

Constitutional Bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court in case titled as National

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Insurance Company Limited Versus Pranay Sethi and others1, 25% should

have been added for future prospects, where the deceased was between the age

group of 40-50 years. Hence, future prospects awarded by the Tribunal are on

higher side.

7. He further argued that Tribunal had wrongly awarded consortium of

Rs.1,00,000/- to the wife and Rs.25,000/- for funeral expenses, whereas per the

dictum of the Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court in National Insurance

Co. Ltd. Vs. Pranay Sethi2, the total compensation under conventional heads has

been restricted to Rs.70,000/-.

8. Learned counsel for the appellant has also questioned the imposition

of penal interest despite at the rate of interest of 9% per annum while relying upon

the ratio laid down in UPSRTC versus Islamuddin3, United India Insurance

Company Versus Bindu4, Fakirappa Versus Karnataka Cement Pipe

Factory5, Sarla Verma Vs. Haryana Roadways6 and Radha Krishna and

another Vs. Gokul & others7, wherein interest at the rate of 6% per annum was

awarded. Thus, according to learned counsel for the appellant, the rate of interest

as awarded in the present case should be 6% rather than 9 % per annum.

9. On the other hand, it was argued by the learned counsel for cross-

objectors/ claimants that income of the deceased has wrongly been taken as

Rs.15,000/- instead of Rs.20,000/- per month and an increase towards future

prospects @ 25% (i.e. Rs.5,000/-) has to be made thereto and after making

deductions of 1/4th to it, the multiplier of 14 has to be applied, taking the total to

Rs.31,50,000/- instead of Rs.24,57,000/-, as awarded by the Tribunal.

2017(4) RCR (Civil) 1009
2017 ACJ 2700
2009(3) SCC-473
2009(3) SCC-705
2004(2) PLR-210
Civil Appeal No. 5256 of 2008 decided on 29.01.2014
Civil Appeal No. 9858 of 2013 arising out of SLP(C) No.1056 of 2008 decided on 31.10.2013

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10. According to him, the claimants are entitled to Rs.20,000/- for loss of

estate, Rs.25,000/- as funeral expenses, Rs.40,000/- to claimant No.1 for loss of

spousal consortium, while Rs.40,000/- each to claimants No.2 to 4 for loss of

parental consortium, taking the total amount to be awarded under conventional

heads to Rs.2,05,000/-, in view of law laid down in Magma General Insurance

Company Versus Nanu Ram @ Churu Ram8, instead of Rs.1,25,000/- as

awarded by the Tribunal.

11. As mentioned above, vide judgment dated 21.12.2020 in FAO No.

7228/2017 (&M) title Reliance General Insurance Company Limited v. Rajinder

Kaur and others, arising out of the same accident, this Court upheld the finding of

the learned Tribunal that the accident took place due to rash and negligent driving

of the offending vehicle by Sandeep Kumar respondent No. 5 and learned

counsel for the parties are ad idem that now the only issue to be adjudicated upon

is with regard to the quantum of compensation.

12. Learned Tribunal held that at the time of death, the age of Jaswinder

Singh was about 41 years, his monthly income was Rs. 15,000/-, it added 30% of

the then income for future prospects, deducted 1/4th of the income for his

personal expenses, applied multiplier of 14, awarded consolidated amount of Rs.

1 lakh for loss of consortium and Rs. 25,000/- for funeral expenses and thus

awarded total compensation amount being Rs. 25,82,000/-.

13. Learned counsel for the objector/respondents submits that as per the

categorical testimony of PW Charnjeet Kaur, her husband was earning Rs. 20,000/-

per month, the learned Tribunal wrongly ignored the same while determining

his monthly income as Rs. 15,000/-; it erred in not allowing any compensation for

loss of estate and that the compensation awarded for loss of consortium is


SC2018(4) R.C.R.(Civil) 333 : 2018(9) JT 195

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14. On the other hand, learned counsel for the appellant/insurance

company contends that the monthly income of the deceased determined by the

learned Tribunal at Rs. 15,000/- is much too higher than his actual income; the

learned Tribunal also awarded excess compensation for loss of consortium and

for funeral expenses.

15. It was submitted that the salary certificate and the income tax

returns of the employer of Jaswinder Singh deceased are unreliable , but the

learned Tribunal erred by relying upon them while determining his monthly

income as Rs. 15,000/- . He pointed out that in the salary certificate Ex PW3/C

issued by the proprietor of the employer firm, nothing has been mentioned

regarding the heads under which the income of Jaswinder Singh deceased had

been fixed; that the income tax returns for 2014-15, 2015-16 and 016-17 Ex

PW3/F, Ex PW3/I and Ex PW3/J of Rattan Singh proprietor of the employer firm,

shows that the net income was Rs. 5,00,485/- , 4,39,867/- and Rs. 6,76,071/-

respectively and no income tax was paid owing to which it can be safely

presumed that he could not have employed Jaswinder Singh on a monthly salary

of Rs. 15,000/-; that the salary certificate shows that Jaswinder Singh was a

Welding Foreman, but the computation sheet attached with the income tax returns,

show that the business of the firm was ‘trading and retailers’, for which there

could not be any need to employ a welding foreman; that PW-3 Gurpal Singh who

issued the certificate, admitted that his firm was not affiliated to ESI; no labour tax

was deposited with the MC and that the salary certificate Ex PW-3/C does not

bear any date of its issue. For all these reasons, he contended, the document is

totally unreliable and should not have been made the basis for determining the

income of Jaswinder Sigh as Rs. 15,000/- per month.

16. I am of the opinion, that the learned Tribunal rightly determined the

income of Jaswinder Sigh deceased as Rs. 15,000/- per month.

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17. To my mind, the self-serving oral statement of Charanajeet Kaur

claiming her husband’s monthly income as Rs. 20,000/- stood ought-weighed and

displaced by the aforesaid documents submitted by the claimants themselves,

according to which the monthly income of Jaswinder Singh was Rs. 15,000/-.

18. I am also unable to accept the contention of the learned counsel for

the appellant that the salary certificate and supporting income tax returns

produced by the claimants are unreliable and that the learned Tribunal wrongly

made them the basis for holding that monthly income of Jaswinder Singh

deceased was Rs. 15,000/-.

19. Affidavit Ex PW-3A of PW Gurpal Singh shows that he is the

business head of M/s Regency Hadraulic Engineers, Mohali of which his father

Rattan Singh is the proprietor. Salary certificate Ex PW-3/C has been issued on

the letter pad of the said firm. There seems no requirement for specifying the

various heads of salary on suchlike salary certificates. The name of the firm

itself is indicative of the nature of its work/ business. Obviously, there would be

need for employment of a welding foreman for the work/business of the employer

firm. That reality would not be negatived merely because, as contended by the

leaned counsel for the appellant, the computation sheet attached with the income

tax returns, show that the business of the firm was ‘trading and retailers’. The

need for employment of workers depends upon the nature and quantum of

working, turn-over, etc. of the employer. Merely because the net income of the

employer, after accounting for the expenditure for the relevant period, remained

within the exemption limit of income tax liability, that does not mean that the

employer did not employ or could not have employed Jaswinder Singh as welding

foreman on a monthly salary of Rs. 15,000/-. Just because the employer firm was

not affiliated to ESI and no labour tax was deposited with the MC and omission

of date of issue on the salary certificate do not justify an inference that the salary

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certificate is not genuine or that the same should be discarded, in the absence of

any evidence to the contrary.

19. Learned Tribunal held that the age of Jaswinder Singh at the time of

death was about 41 years. It applied the multiplier of 14, relying upon Sarla

Verma v. Delhi Transport Corporation 2009(3)RCR (Civil)77. Correctness of

these findings is not disputed by either side. I am inclined to uphold the same.

20. Considering that the age of Jaswinder Singh at the time of death was

about 41 years, I am of the opinion that as per the norms laid down by the

Constitution Bench in Pranay Sethi and others supra, 25% addition of income

for future prospects should be made, instead of 30% made by the learned Tribunal.

21. Learned Tribunal deducted 1/4th of the income for personal expenses

of the deceased. This has not been questioned by the learned counsel for the

parties. Considering the size of the family and age of the children of the

deceased and other circumstances, I am inclined to agree to the view taken by the

learned Tribunal.

22. In National Insurance Company Limited v. Pranay Sethi and

others supra,a Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court held as


“xxx xxxxx
61 (viii) Reasonable figures on conventional heads, namely, loss of
estate, loss of consortium and funeral expenses should be Rs. 15,000/-
, Rs. 40,000/- and Rs. 15,000/- respectively. The aforesaid amounts
should be enhanced at the rate of 10% in every three years.”

23. Relying upon the same, another bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court in

Magma General Insurance Company v. Nanu Ram @ Churu Ram supra,

awarded compensation of Rs. 50,000/- each, (total Rs. 1,00,000/-) to two

claimants- the father and sister of the deceased victim of the accident- for loss of

filial consortium.

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24. On same analogy and with 10% enhancement over Rs. 40,000/- after

3 years for loss of consortium provided for in Pranay Sethi and others supra, I

am of the opinion that each of the four claimant/objectors namely Charanjit Kaur

widow, Ramanpreet Kaur, Prabhjot Kaur minor daughters and Dharminder Singh

minor son of Jaswinder Singh deceased should get Rs. 44,000/- total Rs.

1,76,000/- for loss of consortium. To my mind, the Learned Tribunal erred in

awarding consolidated amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- for loss of consortium to the

four claimants.

25. I am also of the opinion, that the learned Tribunal erred in not

allowing any compensation at all for loss of estate and that it also erred in

awarding a compensation of Rs. 25,000/- for funeral expenses instead of

allowing the same as per formula laid down by the Constitution Bench in Pranay

Sethi and others supra. As per that norm, Rs. 16500/- instead of Rs. 25,000/-

for funeral expenses and Rs. 16500/- for loss of estate ought to be awarded.

26. In view of the undisputed facts and findings and the discussion as

above, the amount of compensation is worked out and the award of the learned

Tribunal is modified as under:

Sl. No. Head Calculations
(i) Earning of the deceased Rs. 15,000/- per month
(ii) Earnings with 25% Rs. 15,000/-+3,750/-=18,750/-
increase for future
(iii) Deduct 1/4th for personal 1/4th of 18,750/-= 4688 say
expenses Rs.4690/- =14,060/-
(iv) Compensation with 14,060x12x14=23,62,080/-
multiplier of 14
(v) Loss of consortium @ Rs. Rs.1,76,000/-
44,000/- each to four
(vi) Funeral expenses Rs. 16,500/-
(vii) Loss of estate Rs. 16,500/-
(viii) Total compensation [(iv)+ 23,62,080/-+ Rs.1,76,000/-+
(v)+ (vi)+ (vii)] Rs. 16,500/-+ Rs. 16,500/-
= Rs. 25,71,080/-.

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27. In Erudhaya v. State Express Transport Corporation Ltd., Civil

Appeal No. 2811-2812 of 2020 decided on 27.07.2020, the Hon’ble Supreme

Court upheld the claim for interest @ 9% of the compensation amount. The

learned Tribunal held the claimants entitled to interest @ 6% per annum on the

amount of compensation from the date of filing the claim petition and directed that

in case the amount was not paid within three months, from the date of the award,

the claimants shall be entitled to interest @ 9% per annum from the date of award

till realization. In view of this, the reliance of the learned counsel for the appellant

on the aforesaid other cases for restricting the rate of interest on the compensation

amount to 6% per annum till payment, is misplaced.

28. As a result, except for the modification that the claimants are entitled

to total compensation of Rs. 25,71,080/- instead of Rs. 25,82,000/-, the award of

the learned Tribunal is upheld. The appeal and the cross objection petition are

disposed of accordingly.

29. Pending applications, if any, also stand disposed of.

March 17, 2021 (ARUN MONGA)

Whether speaking/reasoned : Yes/No
Whether reportable : Yes/No

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