Punjab-Haryana High Court
Upender Mato vs State Of Haryana on 1 April, 2021 208

Crl. Appeal No.D-735-DB of 2012 (O&M)
Date of Decision: April 01, 2021

Upender Mato


State of Haryana


Present: Ms.Nupur Chaudhary, Legal Aid counsel
for the appellant.

Mr.Hitesh Pandit, Addl. Advocate General, Haryana
for the respondent-State.



Challenge in the present appeal, is to the judgment of

conviction dated 03.02.2012 and order of sentence dated 04.02.2012 passed

by learned Additional Sessions Judge, Fatehabad, vide which, appellant

Upender Mato was held guilty and convicted for the offence under Section

376 IPC and sentenced to undergo imprisonment for life. Even, fine of

Rs.5,000/- was imposed, in default whereof, he was to further undergo

rigorous imprisonment for a period of three months.

Background facts in nutshell are as follows:-

That, complainant Khushbu wife of Mehar Chand was doing

labour work in village Kulan. Her husband had died about two years ago.

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She is having two daughters. One is aged about 10 years and younger

daughter (prosecutrix) is aged about 3 years. On 13.10.2010, at about 4.00

p.m., her elder daughter had gone out from the house for playing with

children and after some time, even her younger daughter (prosecutrix) had

gone out of the house for playing. However, when the prosecutrix had not

returned back, the complainant had gone in search of her. While in the

process of search, she reached the hut of Upender Mato, who belongs to

District Purnia and lived in her neighbourhood, she heard screams of her

daughter. She then went inside the hut and found Upender Mato to be

committing rape upon her younger daughter. On spotting the complainant,

Upender Mato had fled away. Blood was oozing from the private parts of

her daughter and she was not wearing any underwear but only wearing a

frock. The complainant raised hue and cry, upon which, several people had

collected at the spot.

Proceedings in the present case were initiated, on the basis of

the statement got recorded by the complainant. During the course of the

investigation, scene of crime was inspected. Even, on the day of occurrence

itself, at about 9.46 p.m., the medical examination of the prosecutrix was

got conducted. Accused Upender Mato was arrested on 14.10.2010. On

completion of investigation, challan was presented against Upender Mato

On presentation of challan, compliance of Section 207 Cr.P.C.

was made. On the basis of material coming forth, charge under Section 376

IPC was framed against Upender Mato, to which he pleaded not guilty and

claimed trial.

In endeavour to establish its case, the prosecution examined as

many as 10 witnesses, namely PW-1 EHC Satyawan, PW-2 Balwant Singh,
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Draftsman, PW-3 MHC Basau Ram, PW-4 EHC Ramesh Kumar, PW-5

Dr.Aradhana Ahuja, PW-6 Head Constable Mahavir Singh, PW-7

Dr.H.S.Sagoo, PW-8 SI Ganga Ram, PW-9 Khushbu and PW10 ASI

Virender Singh.

Even, learned Public Prosecutor tendered into evidence report

of FSL Ex.P19 and Ex.20.

On closure of the prosecution evidence, all the incriminating

circumstances, appearing in the prosecution evidence were put to accused-

appellant in his statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C. However, the accused-

appellant denied those allegations. In fact, he had taken the plea of false

implication, due to enmity and also pleaded that prosecutrix suffered

injuries, when she was playing with other children and that he has not

committed any rape upon the prosecutrix.

In defence, accused examined his wife Rekha Devi as DW-1,

who deposed that complainant Khushbu wanted to marry her husband, thus,

she had filed false case against her husband, as he had refused to marry the

complainant. Also, she stated about the prosecutrix to have suffered

injuries, while she was playing on swings in the plot and other children had

also suffered injuries, at that time. The mother of the prosecutrix was called

by her and her husband, at the spot. The complainant had taken away her

child and also extended threats to implicate Upender Mato, in a false case.

The point for determination formulated by learned trial Court in

the present case, reads as under:-

‘Whether on 13.10.2010, the accused committed rape on the
prosecutrix, aged about three years and thereby committed
the offence punishable under Section 376 of the IPC’.

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After hearing learned Public Prosecutor as well as learned

defence counsel and on appraisal of the evidence brought on record, vide

impugned judgment, accused-appellant was held guilty, convicted and

sentenced, as already detailed in earlier portion of the judgment.

Feeling aggrieved by the aforesaid judgment of conviction and

order of sentence, appellant-convict has filed the present appeal.

In pursuance of notice, learned counsel made appearance. Even

the lower Court record was requisitioned.

We have heard learned counsel for the appellant as well as

learned State counsel and have perused the record.

In the light of the evidence, coming on record, it has been

vehemently submitted by learned counsel for the appellant that evidence, so

adduced in the present case, has not been appraised by learned trial Court, in

correct perspective. In fact, she submitted that the complainant, who is

mother of the prosecutrix, is the sole witness, who has been examined in the

present case and even, her testimony is not above board, as it contains

various discrepancies, which in itself, negates the prosecution version.

Rather, it is submitted that a false case has been registered against the

appellant, solely on the ground that complainant was nursing grievance

because of his not being inclined to marry her. As such, a prayer has been

for acceptance of the appeal and to set aside the judgment of conviction and

order of sentence and acquit the appellant.

In refutation, learned State counsel resisted the claim of the

appellant. He submits that the evidence, so adduced, in the present case, has

been rightly appraised by learned trial Court. The testimony of the

complainant is trustworthy. She has categorically deposed about the
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ravishment of her daughter, who was 3 years old, by the appellant-convict.

She has categorically deposed about the manner of occurrence. Even,

sufficient corroboration is lent to the version of the complainant from the

medical evidence, brought on record. Thus, it is submitted that learned trial

Court has rightly reached the conclusion about the appellant, having caused

the occurrence in question and has convicted him under Section 376 IPC.

Even, sentence so imposed, is just and reasonable. Therefore, learned State

counsel has made a prayer for dismissal of the appeal.

Throughout the arguments, much emphasis has been laid upon

the sole testimony of the complainant coming forth, with regard to the

sexual assault allegedly committed upon prosecutrix by the appellant. It is

submitted that statement of the complainant is not trustworthy and reliable.

However, the aforesaid submission is not tenable. Very true, as so pointed

by learned counsel for the appellant that PW-9 Khushbu is the sole witness,

examined vis-a-vis occurrence in question, but however, it is pertinent to

mention that victim girl is only 3 years old and looking at her age,

definitely, she would not have been in a position to depose about the

manner of occurrence and therefore, she has not been examined as a

witness. In fact, the complainant, who is mother of the prosecutrix, had

reached the spot and she has stated about having spotted the appellant,

while he indulged in ravishment of her daughter. The complainant, while in

the witness box as PW-9, besides deposing about her relationship with the

prosecutrix, has also categorically deposed about the manner, in which her

daughter had gone away from the house, in evening for playing. She has

also categorically stated that when her younger daughter did not return

back, she had herself gone out in search of her daughter and during this
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course, she had heard screams of her daughter, coming from the hut of the

appellant, which is situated in her neighbourhood. She then went inside and

found appellant committing rape upon her daughter. She further deposed

that on seeing her, appellant had fled away. She also stated that blood was

oozing out from the private parts of her daughter and frock worn by her was

also stained with blood. In her cross-examination, she has categorically

stated that wife of the appellant was not present in the hut, at that time. The

complainant has thus deposed categorically, in consonance with her

statement Ex.P2, on the basis whereof, proceedings were initiated in the

present case.

Though, now it is submitted that there is discrepancy coming

forth about the distance of house of the complainant from the hut of the

appellant and this discrepancy is of vital importance but however, it is not

so. Though, the complainant, while deposing in cross-examination, has

stated that hut of the appellant was situated at about 2 kms. away from her

house but however, it is pertinent to mention that PW-10 ASI Virender

Singh, Investigating Officer, in cross-examination, has categorically stated

that distance between the cottage of the appellant and residence of the

complainant, is about 1 acre. Even otherwise, this discrepancy, is not such,

which raises doubt about the truthfulness of the version, so put forth by the

complainant, who is mother of the prosecutrix. This discrepancy, otherwise

also, has to be considered in the backdrop of the other evidence, brought on

record. The complainant, as stated aforesaid, has deposed clearly and

specifically about the manner of occurrence caused by the appellant.

Besides the same, Investigating Officer has also categorically deposed about

the manner of initiation of proceedings in the present case and about
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conducting of medical examination of the prosecutrix.

The ocular evidence, so coming forth, also finds corroboration

from the medical evidence, brought on record. The prosecution has

examined PW-5 Dr.Aradhana Ahuja, Medical Officer, who had medico-

legally examined the prosecutrix, on the day of occurrence only i.e.

13.10.2010. She has categorically deposed that on examination of the

prosecutrix, who was having alleged history of rape, she observed following


1. There was laceration of vagina. Blood was found in the

2. There were injury marks on the bilateral thighs of the

Furthermore, she has also stated that vaginal swabs were taken

and sent for analysis. Even, she had deposed about the parcel bearing seal

of FSL, opened during the course of examination and she found the same to

be containing dirty greenish small size baby frock and stated that frock was

the same, which was worn by the prosecutrix, at the time of medico-legal

examination. Besides the same, it is evident from the FSL report Ex.P19,

that blood was detected on vaginal swabs. Even, FSL report Ex.P20 states

that baby frock was stained with few medium and small blood stains. The

medical evidence, as such, also lends credence to the prosecution version,

about the ravishment of the prosecutrix by the appellant.

A faint attempt has also been made to secure acquittal, on the

ground that appellant, who has been falsely implicated in the present case,

in his statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C., had taken the plea that false case

has been registered against him due to enmity and had also taken the plea
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that prosecutrix had suffered injuries, when she was playing with other

children. To so substantiate this plea, even the appellant, in his defence, has

examined his wife Rekha Devi as DW-1. She has also stated that

complainant wanted to marry her husband and complainant had filed false

case, as her husband had refused to marry her. She also stated that

prosecutrix suffered injuries, while she was playing on swings in the plot

and other children also suffered injuries. She further stated that mother of

the prosecutrix was called by her and her husband, at the spot and while

taking away her daughter, the complainant had extended threats to implicate

her husband, in a false case. However, it is pertinent to mention that in his

statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C., no reason, as such, has been assigned

by the appellant himself, thereby giving inkling about his false implication.

Simply, he had stated about his false implication due to enmity but the

reason for the animosity, as such, has not been given. No witness of any

kind qua animosity, existing between the complainant and appellant, as

such, has been examined. Even though, wife of the appellant, while

appearing as DW-1, had stated about the complainant to be interested to

marry her husband and on refusal to marry the complainant, she had got

registered false case against her husband but however, this plea is very

vague. There is nothing, as such, coming on record, as to when such

interest was expressed by the complainant and when refusal was made by

the appellant. This is all the more important to consider when appellant is

aged about 42 years and is already married, having seven children. Even,

plea has been taken that prosecutrix had sustained injuries, while playing.

The wife of the appellant, while deposing as DW-1 had also stated that

other children had also sustained injuries but no evidence, to so substantiate
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this plea of sustaining injuries by other children, during the course of

playing, as such, has been produced. In the given circumstances, the plea of

false implication also appears to be hollow one, which has been raised, only

to escape from the criminal liability.

The cumulative effect of aforesaid discussion is that

prosecution has successfully established, as per the demanding degree of

proof, about the appellant to have committed rape upon the prosecutrix, who

is 3 years old girl child. Thus, learned trial Court has rightly held the

accused guilty and convicted him under Section 376 IPC. Keeping in view

the age of the appellant, who is married man, having seven children, as

gathered from the evidence and also considering the age of the prosecutrix,

the sentence, so imposed upon the appellant is just and reasonable. As such,

impugned judgment of conviction and order of sentence, calls for no


Resultantly, present appeal stands dismissed.


April 01, 2021
Whether speaking/reasoned Yes
Whether reportable Yes

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